
Re-imagining India: Cities in the post-COVID World

On May 28, Prof. Ramaswami spoke about how Indian cities will adapt to a post-pandemic world. Watch her talk with the Princeton Club of Indian and the Indian Chamber of Commerce.


Prof. Ramaswami Featured in THINK Magazine

Issue 6 of the HEAD Foundation's THINK magazine looks at sustainability in a time of crisis. Prof. Anu Ramaswami shared her insight on creating a sustainable model for urban planning and how to create change on the ground.

Webinar May 28: Re-imagining India

Join the Princeton Club of India and the Indian Chamber of Commerce for a webinar on Thursday, May 28, at 9:30-10:30 am EDT. Prof. Anu Ramaswami will speak about some of the following timely issues:

• What will the long-term impact of the Covid pandemic be on Indian Cities?
• Will…

Sowing seeds of happiness

While many cities have promoted urban gardening, few studies have quantified its benefits. Graham Ambrose, Kirti Das, Yingling Fan, and Anu Ramaswami studied the emotional benefits of home gardening, finding that the happiness experienced while gardening is similar to other activities like walking or biking. Their study "Is gardening…

Video: Sustainable Urban Systems

In this video from Princeton Environmental Institute, Prof. Anu Ramaswami speaks about why it's important to study sustainability through the lens of urban systems.